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The Honors Seminar Lecturer (391AH) form is not active at this time. The form is active between Mar. 15-April 15, and Oct. 15-Nov. 15. See below for information on the next application period, and for general information about this form.
This one-credit seminar-style course meets once a week for 50 minutes and is required of all Commonwealth Honors College students. Every section is open to honors students of any major. Advanced knowledge of the topic should not be necessary. Enrollment in Honors 391AH sections is limited to 15.
Faculty teaching these seminars will receive a stipend of $2375.
Honors 391AH is intended to inspire a love of learning and to help prepare students with skills necessary for the completion of honors theses and the professional workplace. It is also designed to facilitate contact between Commonwealth Honors College students and departmental faculty in a small, seminar-style setting and to provide an intellectually stimulating, cross-disciplinary experience for both the faculty and students involved.
The subject matter of each section is chosen by its instructor. There is no restriction on the field or topic around which the course is centered, but all courses should be accessible to students from all majors; no advanced knowledge should be required.
Preference will be given to courses that incorporate specific skills into the curriculum that will help prepare students for the senior thesis or project. These include writing in general but also may include writing abstracts and literature reviews, competence in research, the definition of a research question, computer literacy in presenting research results and public speaking.
The point of these courses is to allow faculty members to create short, compelling courses in areas of personal interest to them and to teach courses they have always wanted to teach while helping students hone the skills necessary for Honors thesis work.
Follow this link for examples of courses currently being offered.
Note that this course is part of the preparation for students to do an Honors Thesis, which is required of all CHC students entering as of September 2018.
Submissions for this RFP will be ranked according to the components of thesis skills developed in the class as well as the completeness of the description of the content of the class to be offered. Not all need to be included, but at least two or three should be described in the application and incorporated into the syllabus.
Components of thesis skills include
The following paragraphs must appear in the syllabus for your section:
Please refer to this syllabus template as an example.
University Analytics and Institutional Research (UAIR) maintains statistics on students who participate in Commonwealth Honors College. Visit UAIR for information about entering and continuing CHC students.
Honors pedagogy is always evolving and looks much different in different contexts depending on the goals of different faculty and institutions. Honors courses across the country vary widely in their learning outcomes and designs. The National Collegiate Honors Council's monograph, Inspiring Exemplary Teaching and Learning: Perspectives on Teaching Academically Talented College Students points out several common themes in the following quote.
"One is the groundswell of interest in reflective practice and all of its implications: critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical and moral reasoning. A second is the emphasis on faculty development and pedagogical innovation and creativity ... Curricular, program, and institutional reform is a third ... The compelling power of integrative learning is another: collaborative learning, cooperative learning, team-based approaches, interdisciplinarity, and synthesis of knowledge..." (Clark and Zubizaretta)
What is Honors? - National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC)
Community or Contact Zone? Deconstructing an Honors Classroom by Phyllis Surrency and Mary Marwitz
Ea The Honors Research Guide is the gateway to all the online research tools developed for Honors 391AH, including information about evaluating the reliability of web sources, a guide to making effective posters, and tips on how to avoid plagiarism.
The Honors website News page announces events of interest to the College and community. It can be accessed from the front page of the Commonwealth Honors College web site and is frequently updated, so again please check the site and encourage your students to check it too.
All instructors have SPIRE access, through an account and password issued by OIT. (If you have not received, or have lost or forgotten your account name and password, OIT staff in A107 Lederle will issue you a new one. Just be sure to bring along a valid ID.) Log on to SPIRE and click on "Class Management" in the drop-down menu to the left of the screen, then on "Class Rosters" and the appropriate term.
Your SPIRE roster contains the names of students officially registered for your class.
If any students are present in your class but missing from your roster, make sure they are in fact registered for your class (and not another). If they are not on your roster but wish to enter your class now, if you wish, you may add them to your section as long as they have met the prerequisite. To add students to your section, submit their names—along with their student ID number (absolutely essential) and class year -- by email.
Instructors enter their own grades directly through SPIRE at the end of the regular academic semester. Only at that time does SPIRE accept grades, again through "Class Management" and then "Record Grades" for the appropriate term.
Most sections of Honors 391AH are scheduled in AV-equipped "smart" classrooms.
For technical questions and issues, including more information on classroom technology or multimedia equipment loan and support, please contact Classroom Technology Services (CTS).
CTS, in Dickinson, Room 1(413-545-5768), will deliver TVs, DVDs, VCRs, data projectors, video recording equipment, tape/CD players, etc., to classrooms during regular daytime class hours. (No laptops are available through CTS.) For evening classes, instructors may pick up equipment from CTS before 4:30 p.m.; equipment must be returned to CTS by 9:00 a.m. the following morning.
Course evaluations are completed online by the students. Notification is emailed to the students approximately two weeks before the end of the semester. Additional information for instructors is available online.
The primary challenge with online survey administration is continuing to obtain appropriate response rates. Instructors play a critical role in this effort. When students believe that their opinions matter to the instructor, the department, and to the campus, they are more likely to participate.
Many instructors ask students to complete their surveys during class using their laptop, phone, or tablet. Additional suggestions for encouraging student response to course surveys can be found online.