Perceptions of Former Multilingual Students on Their Educational Experiences

Emma Niki McGlynn
Salem State University
Brian William Ernest, Department of Education, Salem State University
Session 3, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A73, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 4 (A61-A80) [Poster Location Map]

Multilingual (ML) student is an updated version of the educational label English as a Second Language (ESL) student that promotes inclusivity and respect for all languages, not solely English. This new term stems from the fact that historically, in the education field, being labeled as an ESL student was a trait that was not viewed positively by schools. In recent years, there has been a drastic change in the field, with a shift in perspective that multilingualism is an asset in the classroom rather than a deficit. However, even with this shift, many ML students still have varying experiences dependent on their schools that can impact themselves and their academic careers. This study aims to better understand the ML experience by interviewing former ML students who attended a Massachusetts public school. The guiding research question is: What are the perceptions of former ML students on their educational experiences, including 1) their experiences with school staff, 2) their experiences with school peers, 3) their experiences with their school environment, and 4) their experiences with self-perception? This study analyzes findings from five different interviews with former ML students to identify common themes among these former students' experiences. The four most common themes that emerge from these interviews are student perseverance, self-criticism, peer isolation, and community. These four themes are apparent in each interview, showing that they are frequent for many ML students, and they are critical for educators to understand to create the most positive and productive environment for their ML students.

multilingualism, education, multilingual classroom, peer isolation, educational community
Research Area
Education & Educational Research


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