Empowering Tomorrow's Psychologists: Peer Mentorship for Psychology Students

Matthew James Erti
Group Members
Alex M. Ray, Xander Steven Barney
Bridgewater State University
Stephanie Penley, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Bridgewater State University
Session 3, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A85, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 5 (A81-A100) [Poster Location Map]

The "hidden curriculum" of higher education is often defined as the unspoken norms, behaviors, and expectations unfamiliar to first-generation college students. The presence of this hidden knowledge motivated the piloting of a Peer Mentoring Program (PMP) designed specifically for psychology majors at BSU. Psychology is the most popular major at BSU, yet the high student-to-faculty ratio (19:1) typical of public universities limits faculty mentoring opportunities. Given the psychology major's popularity and varied career paths, establishing peer mentoring programs is crucial to support students' success in higher education and beyond (Collier, 2017). Our research group has hosted events and gathered data to refine the PMP for several semesters. We've received grant funding to conduct a focus group, aiming to understand students' preferences for an effective, appealing, and sustainable peer mentoring program. Our presentation highlights focus group planning and past events, including faculty panels and finals week de-stressing events, and discusses a pilot peer mentoring program integrated into the major's orientation course. Using feedback data from the faculty panel and de-stressing event, a series of independent sample t-tests were conducted on variables measuring students’ perceptions of increased connectedness to the major and knowledge of resources, careers, and the major itself. Results show that, as predicted, the faculty panel resulted in responses significantly higher. Interestingly, however, there was a similar increase in feelings of connectedness across both events. This research and its findings aim to inspire the implementation of similar programs across institutions, especially large public universities and offer insight into psychology students' needs. 

Peer Mentoring, First generation students, Qualitative data, Education, Focus Group
Research Area
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences


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