From Paths to Playgrounds: Examining Disparities in Park Accessibility for Disabled Individuals across Massachusetts' Socioeconomic Strata

Anna Evelyn Kuklinski
UMass Amherst
Ashley Woodman, Department of Psychology, UMass Amherst
Session 5, 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A39, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 2 (A21-A40) [Poster Location Map]
Historically, the accessibility of public spaces for disabled individuals has been neglected, resulting in limited access to both physical spaces, as well as social opportunities these physical spaces provide. Despite legislative efforts to enhance accessibility in public spaces, financial constraints often impede implementation of mandated requirements, especially at the local level. Previous research has described the inaccessibility of most parks. Little research, however, looks at how these accessibility barriers are heightened for disabled people living in low resource communities. The present study aims to evaluate parks in select towns to discern if there are disparities in accessibility across neighborhood-level socioeconomic status. A coding scheme will be used to assess randomly selected parks on accessible and inclusive elements. Assessments will focus on adherence to The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, quantity and quality of accessible features, and the inclusivity of park design. It is anticipated that parks in lower-resource areas will exhibit fewer accessible features and will less often meet ADA standards. Moreover, it is expected that even parks meeting ADA standards will lack truly inclusive design elements across all towns. This research is significant as it has potential to inform revisions to current legislation concerning park accessibility and allocation of funding for park improvements. By highlighting socioeconomic disparities in park accessibility, this study aims to contribute to the creation of more inclusive public spaces, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for disabled individuals across socioeconomic divides.
disability, outdoor recreation, accessibility, socioeconomic disparities
Research Area
Disability Studies


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