Navigating Change: The Place of Confucianism in Modern China

Xinyan Jiang
Holyoke Community College
Jessica Hill, Department of Critical Social Thought, Holyoke Community College
Session 2, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board C13, Poster Showcase Room (163), Row 2 (C11-C20) [Poster Location Map]

Confucianism has deeply influenced Chinese society for centuries, shaping values like respect for authority, family loyalty, and social harmony. However, in China’s rapid modernization, traditional values are being questioned. Many Chinese netizens attribute their negative experiences in family and work dynamics to Confucianism values. For example, gender discrimination and mistreatment of women and children in a patriarchal society are major critiques of Confucianism. This project will look closely into the challenges of applying traditional Confucius values in modern China and explore the necessity of updating these values to better reflect today’s societal norms. 

This study employs a qualitative analysis, including interviews with 15 Chinese netizens, to gather insights into their experiences with Confucian values. Additionally, the study will review academic articles and books to investigate Confucianism’s impact on modern Chinese society.

The expected results will present an overview of the perception of Confucianism amongst Chinese netizens, including one case study of one individual affected by Confucian values. 

The discussion will evaluate the potential need for reinterpretation or adaptation of Confucianism to align with contemporary values. It will also delve into why certain Confucian values are perceived as problematic in the context of modern societal norms. 

This study not only contributes to ongoing dialogue about the relevance of traditions in modern society but also hopes to seek solutions to modern issues such as gender and age discrimination.

Confucianism, Gender inequality , Age discrimination, Patriarchal norms, Educational reform
Research Area


Research Area Presenter Title Keywords
Linguistics and Language Studies Evans-Reese, Aeddon Gender Inequality
Law and Legal Studies Minogue, Nola Marie gender equality
Globalization and Development Lescovitz, Eve Lyn inequality