Wall Following and a*

Erick S. Ropi
Group Members
Robert Pellegrino
Quinsigamond Community College
Hao Loi, Department of Computer Science, Quinsigamond Community College
Session 2, 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A3, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 1 (A1-A20) [Poster Location Map]
For our main algorithm we received Wall Following. The Roomba comes with a small wall following algorithm that does exactly what it says, it follows a wall for a set amount of time navigating objects and staying against the wall. We plan to use this to do an initial scan of the room using the lidar to create a map while also detecting a start and finish. After using this initial function, we plan to split the room into 4 parts using the quadtree algorithm while using the lidar map to form these parts around objects. Through research, we have found that using the quadtree algorithm will let us set room boundaries, create artificial walls, and block objects so the Roomba works more efficiently. Our cleaning will be done through a wall following program that starts in a corner of each split off quadrant and works its’ way around the quadrant by following the boundaries set and moving inwards until it hits the end point in the middle of the section. After one quadrant is done, we plan to use the A* algorithm to find the shortest path to the next quadrant and repeat the process until the entire room is cleaned
a* , Wall Following, Create3, Quadtree
Research Area
Algorithms, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Game Theory


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