The Study of Brand Identities of Haute Couture and Fast Fashion

Rebecca Charabaty
Northern Essex Community College
Sheila Muller, Department of Business, Northern Essex Community College
Session 1, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board C4, Poster Showcase Room (163), Row 1 (C1-C10) [Poster Location Map]

This thesis explores the complex techniques utilized by haute couture and fast fashion brands to maintain and strengthen their brand identities over time. Through a comprehensive analysis of brand management practices, consumer perceptions, and marketing strategies, this study will clarify the strategies that motivate the continuing success of these brands in the active fashion industry. This research examines key drivers behind the enduring brand identity, shedding light on the strategic operations that each type of fashion brand implements to support its unique image. By analyzing consumer perceptions, this research uncovers the nuanced interaction between brand identity and consumer behavior, underscoring the considerable influence brand identity wields over purchasing decisions. This research arose because of changes in consumer behavior towards fashion and how brands sustain their identities to remain relevant to their target audience. Haute couture and fast fashion brands practice diligent brand management techniques, embracing visual identity, product offerings, and messaging to assist in consistency over time in the constantly changing fashion industry. Both haute couture and fast fashion labels employ meticulous brand management techniques, encompassing visual identity, product assortments, and communication strategies, to ensure continuity amidst the ever-evolving fashion landscape. Notably, the fashion industry is renowned for its innovative marketing endeavors, such as social media blitzes, and elaborate runway spectacles. Drawing insights from published interviews and content analysis, this research presents a refined understanding of strategies to relate with their target audience, thus contributing to a greater understanding of brand management and consumer behavior in the fashion world.

Marketing, Designer, Companies, Business, Trends
Research Area
Business & Economics


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