Invasion of the Shore: Evaluating Population Dynamics of Asian Shore Crab in an Urban Harbor

Anne Pierre
UMass Amherst
Ayodele C. O'Uhuru, Department of Environmental Conservation, UMass Amherst
Session 1, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A65, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 4 (A61-A80) [Poster Location Map]

Asian shore crab (ASC, Hemigrapsus sanguines), is an East Asian species that has become invasive in the Northeast region since arriving in the 1980’s. With high rates of reproduction, a wide-ranging appetite, and rapid growing population, this species has become a threat to coastal ecosystems. ASC was first found in the Boston Harbor in 2000 (Deer Peninsula) and continues to spread there, however, there has not been a comprehensive survey to fully describe its current abundance and distribution across the various islands. In summer 2023, I surveyed 5 islands (Gallops, Georges, Peddocks, Lovells and Thompson) to determine the population dynamics (abundance, distribution, sex ratio, and sizes) of ASC. I used two methods: 1) banded transect surveys, where I walked a transect line, turning over rocks and macroalgae to hand collect individuals, and 2) baited traps soaked over two tidal cycles. I found crabs to significantly differ in abundance across islands with the greatest total abundance on Gallops and Peddocks Island (n = 1,625 and 1,568, respectively) and the lowest on Lovells Island (n = 304) (p = 0.01). Crab size also varied significantly by island, with more smaller crabs found on Gallops (319 ± 73,  p = 0.001; crab size: 10.75mm ± 1.95mm) and mid-sized crabs dominating Peddocks (199 ± 83, p = 0.04; crab size: 16.06mm ± 1.54mm). Given this species’ broad environmental tolerance and wide dietary preferences, population monitoring should be continued and impacts to local biodiversity assessed.

Invasive Species, Control and Management , Invertebrate , Coastal
Research Area
Biological Organisms


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