Unveiling the Influence of Racial Identity on Learning Experiences of Young Black Girls

Samantha Joy Jocelyn
UMass Amherst
Leda Cooks, Department of Communication, UMass Amherst
Session 5, 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A44, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 3 (A41-A60) [Poster Location Map]

The intersection of race and gender creates unique life experiences that further shape other facets of identity. Rooted in the acknowledgment of historical marginalization and contemporary challenges faced by Black women in America, this study investigates the complex interplay between racial identity, academic identity, and educational outcomes. As educators, it is crucial to understand how students' identities and life experiences directly influence their learning and academic performance. Drawing upon Bandura's concept of self-efficacy and Dweck's growth and fixed mindsets, alongside other psychological and educational theories, the research aims to elucidate how young Black girls perceive themselves, their abilities, and their academic potential in relation to their racial identity.

Using data from guided discussions with Black elementary schoolgirls and a structured lesson plan, the study reveals insights into how modern students view learning through their racial identities. Questions like, "Do you believe you can handle challenging assignments?" and "How do you compare your academic success to your non-Black peers?" unearth significant perspectives. The study aligns with existing research, suggesting that role models, self-efficacy, and a growth mindset profoundly influence the learning experiences of Black girls. Ultimately, this research offers implications for educational policies and practices aimed at fostering the academic success and well-being of Black elementary schoolgirls while considering their unique identities.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Learning Experiences, Young Black Girls, Growth vs Fixed, Self-efficacy
Research Area
Education & Educational Research


Research Area Presenter Title Keywords
Health Policy and Management Weinstock, Iris Tal Diversity, equity, and inclusion