The Co-occurrence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders and Anxiety Disorders in School-Aged Children

Haley Elizabeth Kane
Westfield State University
Claudia Ciano-Boyce, Department of Psychology, Westfield State University
Session 5, 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A26, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 2 (A21-A40) [Poster Location Map]

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Anxiety Disorders are very common among

elementary school aged students (Child Mind Institute). These diagnoses impact behavior in the

classroom and subsequently challenge learning. There is research on these individual diagnoses,

however, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Anxiety Disorders often overlap and

children can be diagnosed with both. This project includes research on Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, and these diagnoses together. This project also

explores the impacts both these diagnoses have on children during the school day. The

methodology of the project includes interviewing educators of elementary school children.

Twelve educators were interviewed about their experiences with students who have ADHD

and/or Anxiety. All twelve of the educators had experience working with ADHD and Anxiety in

children. All the educators reported that they felt ill prepared to work with ADHD and Anxiety

and would appreciate professional development to assist them. The educators working with

kindergarten students reported incomplete diagnoses for the children so in some cases the ADHD

or Anxiety was not reported. While educators may have some training in working with ADHD

students or separately with Anxiety in children, there was little experience working with ADHD

and Anxiety co-existing. This research examines both diagnoses, and the challenges students

face every day at school, and what strategies the teachers used to help support the students. This

project raises awareness of the co-occurrence of these disorders and illuminates the need for

extensive professional development opportunities for those working with students who have

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Anxiety Disorders.

Disorders, School Aged Children, Educators
Research Area
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences


Research Area Presenter Title Keywords
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Esmer, Julian Roger Justado Mood Disorders (0.842105), Anxiety Disorders (0.727273)