Minimalism and Well-Being: Exploring the Virtue of Frugality through Contemporary Literature and Practical Applications of Minimalism

Olivia Rose Williams
Cape Cod Community College
Thomas Schaefer, Department of English, Cape Cod Community College
Session 1, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A91, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 5 (A81-A100) [Poster Location Map]

Centuries ago, philosopher Benjamin Franklin extolled thirteen virtues, with frugality being among the most important. As capitalism increasingly defines our modern world, frugality continues to fascinate the collective consciousness by proposing a simplistic path to well-being. This analysis explores the impact of temperance, seen through the lens of frugality, on individual well-being. The project will scrutinize the minimalist approach to frugality, which encourages the conscious examination of belongings to retain only those that are essential, both physically and emotionally. The analysis will be twofold. Firstly, it will adopt a clinical perspective, reviewing both contemporary and historical scholarly literature on minimalism, encompassing both the benefits and limitations of decluttering. Additionally, a creative methodology will be employed, wherein the author will implement her findings in her own life. This will involve evaluating her belongings and documenting the challenges and successes therein, through personal narratives, psychological well-being scales, and diverse visual representations. This hands-on approach will not only help understand the psychological theories of frugality and minimalism in a modern context but explore the contrast between a capitalist culture driven by consumerism and an alternative rooted in temperance. Ultimately, this paper aims to contribute both qualitative and quantitative insights into the ongoing discourse on frugality. By demonstrating the positive link between temperance, minimalism, and well-being, the study will strengthen the burgeoning field of positive psychology as a whole.

virtues, positive psychology , well-being, minimalism, frugality
Research Area
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences


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