Bartleby as a Modern-Day American Worker

Seamus Christopher Mitchell
Westfield State University
Michael Filas, Department of English, Westfield State University
Session 1, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A53, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 3 (A41-A60) [Poster Location Map]

Herman Melville's "Bartleby the Scrivener" presents Bartleby, a character working in a Wall Street law office, as a resonant symbol reflecting the post-COVID-19 era's challenges. Bartleby's isolation is shown both physically and mentally through his workplace setup, which mirrors the continued trend of remote work of Americans in post-COVID-19 society. The narrative goes into themes of isolation stemming from a lack of motivation, resulting in the dehumanization of Bartleby, echoing the struggles of the present-day workforce. Bartleby's physical isolation within the office, separated by a green folding screen, metaphorically represents post-pandemic remote work scenarios. As Bartleby's isolation deepens, it creates a declining mental state of mind and physical health, which relates to the challenges faced by remote workers grappling with burnout and stress. The story unfolds as Bartleby’s mental health takes a toll to the maximum amount that isolation can take. This then leads to an immense amount of lack of motivation and, ultimately, mental and physical exhaustion correlates with the experiences of post-COVID workers. The narrative also makes known the dehumanization, as the unnamed lawyer neglects Bartleby's well-being, treating him more as a disposable resource than a human who clearly needs care. This shows the dehumanizing impact of remote work, where employees may feel like mere machines, detached from the empathy present in traditional office settings, and being around people and not just alone in their own space with just a computer.

Covid 19 , Mental Health , Isolation, Bartleby The Scivener, Post Pandemic Work Conditions
Research Area
Mental Health


Research Area Presenter Title Keywords
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Rodriguez, Paula Mental Health (1.0), Men's Mental Health (0.833333)
Women's Studies Fusaro, Nicole Mental Health
Architecture and Urban Planning d'Entremont, Lucas W. Mental Health
Disability Studies Tredo, Grace Ivey Mental Health
Education & Educational Research Marathas, James N. Mental Health