The Evolution of Film Lighting

Oliver Kenneth Eason
Fitchburg State University
Zachary Lee, Department of Communication, Fitchburg State University
Session 5, 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A19, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 1 (A1-A20) [Poster Location Map]

For my Honors Thesis project, I have chosen to write a research paper on the evolution of film lighting. Lighting plays an important role from both a storytelling and aesthetic perspective in the industry and image making. While it is primarily a tool for cinematographers, it is also its own field with its own expertise.  As someone who has a passion for the art of lighting, exploring its origins and its evolution as a skill and concept was something I wanted to delve into. Within my research paper, I’m looking to cover the origins and evolution of lighting tools and techniques used in cinematic lighting. Furthermore, I wish to highlight some key historic people who developed technical and aesthetic principles in the industry. Finally, I hope to wrap up this paper by looking at modern day lighting techniques and equipment as a way to see what direction its future could hold. This project is a recent undertaking as of this spring semester, and I plan to complete it in the Fall 2024 semester. My hope is to expand my knowledge, and to alert other students in the film & video major, to the importance and implications of lighting and its history. 

Lighting, Cinematography, Aesthetic, Storytelling
Research Area
Communication and Media Studies


Research Area Presenter Title Keywords
Art and Aesthetics Racine, Dakota Eve cinematography
Art and Aesthetics Palacios, Lucy Rose aesthetics