Investigating the Role of Bone Extracellular Matrix in Regulating Disseminated Breast Tumor Cell Fate

Hannah Lee
UMass Amherst
Jungwoo Lee, Department of Chemical Engineering, UMass Amherst
Session 5, 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board C31, Poster Showcase Room (163), Row 4 (C31-C40) [Poster Location Map]
One in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, making it the second most common cancer amongst women. A significant cause of heightened mortality rates and health complications due to cancer is bone metastasis which refers to the spread of cancer cells from their origin to the bone. Tumor cells released from a breast tumor frequently disseminate to the bone, where they undergo varying periods of dormancy before developing lethal metastasis. Although chemotherapy and radiation are the most common therapeutic approaches, the natural maintenance of bones and its extracellular matrix may have a possible inhibitory effect on cancer cells. During bone mineralization, osteoblasts secrete collagen and add calcium phosphate molecules that fill the bone matrix. Some patients who have low mineral density have a higher chance of cancer metastasis because they lack the mineral to have strong and healthy bones; however, the mechanism is unknown due to the insufficiency of relevant biomaterials. In this study, a novel biomaterial, demineralized bone paper, will be used as a model surface to observe human bone marrow stromal cells and MDA 231 breast cancer cells as the bone remineralizes in an in vitro setting. This protocol will determine if the mineralization process of the bone will alter the growth, morphology, and overall phenotype of the cancer cells. Understanding this effect is crucial for advancing remedial strategies to, eventually, help developing a better cure for bone metastasis.
Breast cancer, Biomaterials, Cancer metastasis
Research Area
Cancer Studies


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