The Effects of Gratitude on Happiness

Isabella Mary Soque
Cape Cod Community College
Thomas Schaefer, Department of English, Cape Cod Community College
Session 1, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A94, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 5 (A81-A100) [Poster Location Map]

The loss of overall happiness among Gen Z is an increasing concern in the United States. In our current generation, individuals feel overburdened by the increasing issues in the world. This creates concern about their ability to control the outcomes of such issues. As a result, many individuals find it difficult to find the positive things in their immediate surroundings - such as basking in the sun, reading a nice book, or appreciating the friends and/or family who make life a little more enjoyable. The gesture of a thank you has been demoted to the equivalent of a casual goodbye. Expectations now, among Gen Z, are changed from the past – the real meaning of a “thank you” or “hello” is no longer heartfelt. The concept of gratitude seems to have disappeared, giving way to privilege.

This project will investigate the impact of consistent gratitude practices and their effects on happiness. The use of a gratitude box will be employed in this study daily. The box will contain a daily memento of gratitude, whether a physical letter or item. Additionally, research regarding gratitude, happiness, and Gen Z studies will be implemented to provide clear statistics to further assist this project. Practice through the gratitude box will be implemented along with a final reflection journal and self-reflection essay discussing the journey and significance of this project.

Ultimately, this study hopes to provide the impact of the gratitude box practice to reveal if this practice has a favorable impact on a person’s subjective happiness.

Gratitude, Well-being, Happiness Psychology
Research Area
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences


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