Innovative Solutions to Mitigate Plastic Pollution

Gregory Lemieux
Springfield Technical Community College
Reena Randhir, Department of Biology, Springfield Technical Community College
Session 4, 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM [Schedule by Time][Poster Grid for Time/Location]
Poster Board A2, Campus Center Auditorium, Row 1 (A1-A20) [Poster Location Map]

Plastics are an important part of our life due to its availability and affordability. This extensive overuse in every aspect of product manufacturing has polluted our environment which in turn is affecting human health. Studies show that microplastics are now widely known to be found in our food supply, water, and air. The dire biological and environmental implications of this problem are still being researched and not fully understood. The objective of this study is to propose novel solutions to solving this plastic crisis by reviewing scientific articles. The solution to this problem is complex and only 9% of plastics currently manufactured are being recycled, hence alternatives to plastics are being heavily researched. Aside from traditional alternatives to single-use plastic, hemp and biodegradable plastics are being tested as a solution. Recently, research has focused on using microbes and their ability to metabolize microplastics in the environment. Species of bacteria and fungi possess enzymes that can metabolize different plastics. Ideonella sakaiensis is one species characterized in Japan that is being researched for its ability to break down a widely used plastic for single-use application, polyethylene terephthalate. Species of fungi such as Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes have also been shown to break down polyurethane. Further investigation into the viability and efficacy of using organisms to mitigate plastic waste is needed before large scale application. 

Microplastics, Pollution, Solutions
Research Area
Climate Science


Research Area Presenter Title Keywords
Public Health and Epidemiology Steele, Ryan Micheal Microplastics
Physics and Nanotechnology Jordan, Henry Daniel Microplastics
Environmental Science and Sustainability Leahey, Abigail Dawn Pollution
Environmental Science and Sustainability McCarthy, Abigail Marie Pollution
Globalization and Development Slattery, Eve Alexandra Pollution